Saturday, February 22, 2014

Annual Prize Distribution

Every year SVM inspires the students for their great hard work and immense sincerity by all possible means. The Annual Prize Distribution ceremony was organized in the assembly hall for the shining stars whose enormous efforts in different skills were appreciated. Wow! Various prizes and awards, trophies and certificates, shields and medals were given away by the teachers to the achievers for their bright accomplishments.  The ceremony brought forward the talents of juniors as well as seniors in the school. P. Sahajdidi and P. Sarvajitdidi were the distinguished guests in this occasion. The principal Mr. Govind Borade congratulated the students for their triumphs in his speech.
It had been a great pleasure for the institution to be able to distribute prizes to the achievers in the vivid fashion. The brilliant result and splendid achievement of every year signify the ultimate goal of the ceremony and its success. Prize Distribution Ceremony incorporated the following categories.

Academic Excellence                                  Sharda Devi
Co-Curricular Achievements                       Sharda Devi
Extra-Curricular Achievements                   Sharda Devi
Best House in Sports                                  Marie Curie
Best House of the Year                               Sharda Devi
Best Class of the Year                                 Class VI
Best Assembly Presentation  - Primary       Marie Curie - Sharda Devi 
Best Assembly Presentation  - Secondary   Sharda Devi
Best Athlete of the Year                             Krupa M Patel

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